The Heated Sample Diluter Model 108 dilutes an introduced sample gas of high concentration in a 1:10 (standard), or a 1:100 (optional) dilution rate to allow the linear measurement of total hydrocarbon concentration rates above several ten-thousand ppm, up to 10% and above. For fastest response and better span and zero stability sample injection is the method of choice in this time proven heated sample diluter.
The Model 108 is also used to minimize negative effects due to highly concentrated interfering compounds and contamination and high water content. Additionally, so called memory effects, also called hydrocarbon hang-up due to condensation of heavy hydrocarbons as well as other condensed impurities in the sample gas can be largely prevented.
- Made in Germany
- All components in contact with sample fully heated and accurately
- controlled at 190°C
- Built-In air pressure pump and heated sample pump
- 1:10 dilution rate is standard
- 1.100 dilution rate is available instead of 1:10 as an option
- Standard, permanent installed 2μ sample filter to be cleaned by back purge with
- hydrocarbon free compressed air or nitrogen
- Disposable easy to change sample filter in stead of the back purge filter optional reflects approx. 20% price advantage
- Calibration valves for zero- and span calibration. Standard manual turn switch
- and remote operation, e.g. PLC or PC
- Large oven temperature display with analog 0-5 VDC temperature output @
- 10mV/°C
- Precision sample pressure regulator on front for precise and easy calibration
- Fast response
- Stack gas hydrocarbon emissions monitoring of high concentration at wet sample conditions
- European and USA-EPA Method compliance monitoring of high concentration raw source hydrocarbons
- High THC concentration monitoring of raw exhaust before a catalytic or thermal combustion device
- Catalytic converter testing
- Flare gas HRVOC emissions monitoring